The Apostleship of Prayer is a universal union of men and women who by their daily oblations of morning offering, unite themselves with the Eucharistic Sacrifice in which the work of our redemption is continuously accomplished. By this vital bond with Christ, they cooperate in the salvation of the whole world.
The Apostleship of Prayer is a world-wide organization founded and spread by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun of the Visitation Order at Paray-le-Manial. Jesus appeared to her in several visions displaying to her His Sacred Heart, sometimes burning as a furnace signifying His ever burning love for us, sometimes torn and bleeding, an account of our coldness and sins. Through His four great revelations, He urged her to spread the devotion to His Sacred Heart, the devotion of the Nine Fridays, the devotion of Communion and Reparation and the devotion of the Holy Hour. From this devotion to the Sacred Heart an organization was born which is today known as the Apostleship of Prayer.
The Apostleship of Prayer of Sto. Domingo Parish it will start the humble beginnings in 1990 by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Bienvenido Trinilla, O.P. when the image of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is being enthroned in the Church. Last May 24, 2008 the set of the newly officers are President Sr. Dulcisima Moncatar, Vice President Bro. Rodrigo Tayag, Secretary and Treasurer Sr. Rosita de Vera, Auditor Sr. Shirley Ramos, Adviser Bro. Wenifredo de Vera and P.R.O. Bro. Rex Sanchez.
To be a member, you have to be imposed with the scapular of the Sacred Heart. Among the obligations of active AP members are: to say the “Morning Offering” daily; to hear mass every Friday; if possible, to hear the daily mass and receive Holy Communion; to attend the Holy Hour; to attend the monthly meetings at the Santo Domingo Parish Formation Center; AP officers must attend the monthly meetings of the AP Diocesian meeting at the Our Lady of Hope Parish at Road 3, Pag-asa, Q.C.
It is a great blessing to be an AP member! Be one with us as we share the wondrous blessings we received from the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
A community of faithful united in the spirit of prayer, working for the transformation and renewal of the church and society according to God's plan.
To achieve this vision, we commit ourselves to the building and strengthening of our community through faith formation as evangelized and evangelizers. Empowerment and active participation as a community of disciples in the renewal and transformation of the church and society. Participation through prayer that bears fruit in action and service with particular involvement of the youth.
a. To instruct the faithful on spiritual prayer.
b. To promote an apostolic spirituality.
c. To evoke the practice of loving service to others.
What does the Apostleship of Prayer offer its members?
The AP offers its members a five point program of spirituality:
1. The Eucharist and the Daily Offering
2. The Sacred Heart Devotion
3. Devotion to Mary, the Blessed Mother
4. Loyal concern for the Church
5. A spirit of prayer
A. Spiritual Formation
1. First Friday Novena
2. Holy Hour
3. Monthly AP General Assembly
4. First Friday Meeting
5. Radio program -DWBL 1:30-2:30PM - Tinig ng Apostolado - sharing & reflection
1. Jail Visitations
2. Visitation of the Old and New Members
3. PABASA c/o Sto. Domingo Charismatic Community
4. Bingo Bonanza
5. Parish Fiesta
6. La Naval de Manila Procession
7. Parish Community Prayer Meeting
8. Parish Anniversary
9. Christmas Caroling
10. Parish Pastoral Council Meetings
Talaga po bang si St. Margaret Mary Alacocque ang nagtatag ng Apostolado ng Panalangin? Sa pagkakaalam ko po ay hindi. Pls see
"The Apostleship of Prayer was born in 1844 out of the apostolic restlessness of a group of Jesuit seminarians at Vals, France. Because they knew missionary work lay before them, they were frustrated and impatient. Eager to join the missions in India and America, they failed to see how their dull study routines would make them better missionaries.
In response, their spiritual director, Father Francois Xavier Gautrelet, S.J., held a conference. He emphasized that the salvation of souls was a supernatural goal and could therefore be achieved most effectively through supernatural means. Addressing his younger Jesuit brothers, he said, "Be apostles now, apostles of prayer! Offer everything you are doing each day in union with the Heart of our Lord for what he wishes: the spread of the Kingdom for the salvation of souls."
Father Gautrelet taught these seminarians to offer each day to God. Thus, their prayer, study, work, recreation, headaches – offered in union with Christ’s sacrifice as renewed in the Mass – would advance the work of the missions as much as their direct work in the field.
The seminarians took this idea of a Daily Offering to the surrounding villages. As a result, an apostolic spirituality of prayer and activity was born. This soon was formalized into what is now known as the Morning (or Daily) Offering to help people unite their daily lives to the oblation of Christ for the intentions close to his Heart.
In 1861 the first Messenger of the Sacred Heart was published. Besides promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this periodical also tried to develop in its readers an awareness of the needs of the Universal Church."
Pahabol po. The 1907 Catholic Encylopedia article on the Apostleship of Prayer also shows that it was not St. Margaret Mary who founded the Apostleship of Prayer (contrary to what is mentioned in the first paragraph of your blog on the history of A.P.).
I paste below the text of http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01633a.htm
"A pious association otherwise known as a league of prayer in union with the Heart of Jesus. It was founded at Vals, France, in 1844 by Francis X. Gautrelet. It owes its popularity largely to the Reverend Henry Ramière, S.J., who in 1861, adapted its organization for parishes and various Catholic institutions, and made it known by his book "The Apostleship of Prayer", which has been translated into many languages. In 1879 the association received its first statutes, approved by Pius IX, and in 1896 these were revised and approved by Leo XIII. These statutes set forth the nature, the constitution, and the organization of the Apostleship, as follows: Its object is to promote the practice of prayer for the mutual intentions of the members in union with the intercession of Christ in heaven. There are three practices which constitute three degrees of membership. The first consists of a daily offering of one's prayers, good works, and sufferings, the second, of daily recitation of a decade of beads for the special intentions of the Holy Father recommended to the members every month, and the third, of the reception of Holy Communion with the motive of reparation, monthly or weekly, on days assigned. The members are also urged to observe the practice of the Holy Hour, spent in meditation on the Passion. The moderator general of the association is the General of the Society of Jesus, who usually deputes his power to an assistant. At present the Reverend A. Drive, S.J., editor of the "Messenger of the Sacred Heart", is the deputy. He controls the organization by the aid of the editors of the "Messenger of the Sacred Heart", in different parts of the world. At present they number thirty. In each country diocesan directors are appointed who attend to the aggregation of new centres of the League and promote its interests in their respective territories. A centre may be a parish, a pious society, a religious community, a college, academy, school, or any religious or charitable institution. The priest, usually the pastor or chaplain, in charge of a centre is known as the Local Director. In order to organize a centre, he appoints promoters, usually one for every ten or fifteen members, who with him hold special meetings, canvass for new members, and circulate the mystery leaflets containing the monthly practices for the members. To erect a centre it is necessary to obtain a diploma of aggregation which the deputy moderator issues through the editors of the "Messengers of the Sacred Heart" in their respective countries. To be a member it is sufficient to have one's name inscribed in the register of some local centre. There are now over 62,500 local centres in various parts of the world, about 6,685 of which are in the United States 1,800 in Canada. 1,600 in England, 2,000 in Ireland, 200 in Scotland, and 400 in Australia. The Association numbers over 25,000,000 members, about 4,000,000 of whom are in the United States. In schools and academies it is usually conducted in a form suitable for the pupils, known as the pope's militia. The members are entitled to many indulgences."
please kindly let us know the location of the scheduled convention of the Apostleship of
Prayer in Cebu this 14th day of April 2016...thanks.
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